Querying metadata and knowing when to stop digging.
Tag: technology
Always remember to name the SQL implementation when searching for how to write a query so that you can ask for how a thing you remember working in one implementation works for the one you’re landed with.

If you don’t schedule maintenance yourself, maintenance will schedule itself for you.

The Thrilling Conclusion you’ve been waiting for! Did he ever get DKIM configured properly? What email service did he migrate to? Was there any downtime??

Yet another adventure in the lands of Heroku alternatives.
«Se llama ‹Lógica de Negocio› » Empieza simplemente, tienes una relación de mucho a mucho, o posible una relación de uno a mucho o una

Regularly reviewing what products and services are being paid for even if you’re sure you know everything is fine is, in part, meant to capture exactly this kind of situation so that a change plan can be put in place.

My final project for Flatiron School, where we learn about project management, development hell, and browser games.
An introduction to the bane of infraops, and why you’re glad you’re a developer.