In which you adopt a mythical beast of your own, and start to learn to spin them from the threads of your own shell scripts.
I haven’t even done much TypeScript yet. Apparently it’s hard work to migrate a whole legacy codebase from one framework to another!
Why doing things the React way is analogous to advanced knitting construction techniques.
Why keeping good habits with git branches is like walking through several looms warped together.
One of the most frustrating things that has started happening to me since I’ve hopped into development is realizing how absolutely heavy modern apps are on endpoint devices.
Project at Flatiron School to demonstrate competency with JavaScript fundamentals
The time of year where we cram the whole town into a couple of blocks and experience the full extent of human creativity.
And how to close and uninstall Rectangle, because there weren’t any useful search results when I looked. I had an issue for the last week
The Modern Diviner’s Guide to API Calls The first thing after finally learning how the mysterious API calls the greybeards spoke of worked, is probably going to
In which you learn how to take bird pictures and make network tickets like a pro.