This zine goes with the lecture I gave at the Milton Artist’s Guild on Friday, January 31st on ergonomics for artists. The main points I wanted to make with this project are:
- Take steps to protect your joints
- Use modified tools that make you feel more comfortable with your work
- Pay attention to how your body feels during your work
- Notice how your joints gain flexibility during use
- Notice your muscles gain fatigue over time
- Observe the differences the tools and settings have on how the body responds to work
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PDF Edition – for computers / screen readers
PDF Version – for printing more zines
Thank you for reading. Please let me know if there are any clarifications I can make or further questions I can answer either down in the comments, on LinkedIn, or hit me up on Mastodon.
Licensing note: This zine contains materials using the Creative Commons 4.0 license and therefore the entire zine is released with CC 4.0 license. Some of my original artwork is reproduced in the zine and the original artwork is not CC, but the artwork reproduction in the zine is free to be modified and distributed. The images from outside sources indicated on pages 2, 3, 6, and 7 are used for educational purposes for this class and the copyrights are retained by their respective owners.